
Marine Safety: What to Do If Someone Is Drowning
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), drowning is the leading cause of unintentional injury in the United States. When you’re at the local pool, out on your boat or body surfing in th...

10 Famous, Fearless, & Inspirational Female Adventurers
There have been countless female adventurers across the ages. Whether they were heading off on their adventures yesterday or hundreds of years ago, their stories remain inspirational and educationa...

Walking 60 Miles on Blisters – What I Learned
Always, always break in new boots before setting out on a seven day journey into the backcountry. Here’s some other lessons I learned:
Don’t Ignore “Minor” Problems
You know that point where you re...

Emergency Snow Shelters – Snow Trench
Our friends at NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership School) have put together a great safety tip for snow activities. Casey Pikla has demonstrated to us how to make a snow trench if you get caught une...

Lost? The First Things You Should Do to Survive
Heading out into the wilderness can be an amazing experience that allows you to explore remote areas and challenge yourself. As a smart adventurer, you’ve probably already taken the steps to prepar...

What’s the Difference between Space® Blankets & Survive Outdoors Longer® Emergency Blankets?
When a company is the first to bring a new product concept to market, the brand name can become so well known that it becomes synonymous with the product itself. Xerox® did it when it invented the ...

Why Filtering Your Water Isn’t Enough: Water Filters vs. Purifiers
Clean Water Isn’t Safe Water
There’s something amazing about watching a water filter turn nasty, brown water into clear, sparkling-clean water right before your eyes. Unfortunately though, this cle...

Backcountry Gourmet: How to Make Your Own Ultralight Backpacking Meals
Logistics Guru and Backcountry Chef for this backpacking Expedition, Chelsea Miller helped her team stay organized and well-fed for a week spent in the Wind River Range. Below, she gave us the insi...

Identifying and Addressing Altitude Sickness
Mountain sickness is an illness that can affect mountain climbers, hikers, skiers, or travelers at high altitudes, usually above 8,000 feet (2,400 meters). On your next trip to the mountains, be su...